Our Story

“Dignissim ullamcorper consectetur ut diam ut risus. Ipsum turpis ut commodo auctor facilisis sed sed ipsum. Sed duis lacus vulputate.”

Founder Camelia
Our Story

Discover the Journey Behind Camelia

Sit nibh quam cursus mauris eu faucibus fringilla. Non nisl justo rhoncus sed tincidunt ullamcorper in. Id varius ac lacus nulla aliquet facilisis nunc lectus.

Dictum diam nisi tincidunt molestie ut. Commodo rhoncus rhoncus massa ultrices faucibus posuere turpis sed vulputate. Ut non eget at accumsan.

our story

A journey of wellness.

Jordan's Aunt, Sunny loved life, health and wellness. More than for herself, she strived to help others experience the joy of living a life full of holistic health. It was when Jordan tragically lost her Aunt to a bicycling accident, she felt her calling to continue her Aunt's legacy of helping others reach their full health potential. This was just the start of Jordan's mission and her continuing to build Sunsational Wellness.

The mission

A never ending passion

Jordan Rebecca is a wellness enthusiast and health connoisseur, with years of experience in the field. Born and raised in Miami, FL, she has had many opportunities to find her center in the world- from travels to wellness retreats in Europe and living abroad, she believes finding peace in this world starts with the self. She grew up in a family of medical professionals, and is currently attending Cornell online for her certification in nutrition and dietetics. Hoping to empower her clients through knowledge of what it means to put good into our bodies and minds, she learns each day that this is not a one-size-fits-all approach to longevity. She takes a personal approach to finding what works best for each client.

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A note from jordan

The best version of yourself...

"Our legacy is what we decide it will be. Will you go out into the world, and show up as the best version of yourself? People will remember how you made them feel, and at Sunsational Wellness, we aspire to make you feel just this. I see the value in future clients spending their days here, athletes recovering after a long day of skiing, and everything in between. This is a safe space to come to unapologetically as you are. And that’s what we have created here. There are a few wellness spaces in the Valley our clients could choose, and yet they choose us every time. At the root of this, I noticed a common theme. It’s not solely passion or entrepreneurship, but it’s love and gratitude. It’s the love that is in each and every one of the people who have touched me over the last year. It’s the love of those we have lost, and the kind that is eternal. It's love that gave me the courage to move from Miami to Colorado and start my life on this beautiful path. It’s love that drove me to be brave enough to take the leap of faith on this venture. And it’s gratitude that blessed me with abundance. I want to thank each and every one of you who radiates from the inside out, and supports us to do the same."


Creating Memorable Experiences

Pellentesque facilisis pellentesque nunc aenean condimentum pretium aliquam et. Nam ut semper malesuada diam aliquet.

Tristique praesent sit in lectus purus volutpat nisl quam ullamcorper. Velit scelerisque mauris.


Elevate your stay with our services

Personalized Service

Pellentesque gravida integer eu tellus auctor id libero. Suscipit nibh.

Spa and Wellness Facilities

Etiam donec eu eget adipiscing semper in accumsan. Non ornare est.

Concierge Assistance

Elit placerat orci amet non. Id rutrum neque quisque sagittis felis.

High-Speed Internet Access

Arcu ipsum elementum consectetur nulla. Quis quam tortor vitae.

Laundry and Dry Cleaning

Neque quam tortor tellus morbi orci eget nulla. Pharetra maecenas.

Excursion and Tour Arrangements

Aliquam enim aliquet purus ultrices. Sodales molestie aenean.